

栗林隆がプロデュースする stump 001 kamakura は、
Produced by Takashi Kuribayashi, "stump 001 kamakura" is an interactive installation using garden plants and wildflowers.
When you visit a place full of seasonal plants, you can sense the world with all five of your senses.

stump 001 kamakura

スタンプ 001 カマクラ




貸切利用のみ:2時間 ¥20,000 / 12:00〜14:00 , 15:00~17:00


Among the works of Takashi Kuribayashi, there is a series of roots and tree stumps. A stump is a root, and it expresses the roots and origin of human beings, and the connection of the earth and nature. Kuribayashi always keeps these things in mind when creating. The new stump created in Kamakura is derived from the Genki-ro sauna project that he has been making in recent years. You can experience it whenever you like. This place is full of steam made from wild plants and medicinal herbs. Feel art and culture close to you. We have visions to make new things starting here to expand.

元気炉 / Genkiro

栗林隆が発表した体験型インスタレーションで、誕生の背景は、2011年の東北大震災に遡ります。福島第一原子力発電所の事故以来、栗林は福島に通い、一連の出来事を自身の体 感値に落とし込んでいきました。通い始めた頃は「行かざるを得ない」と感じていた福島でしたが、ネガティブなイメージを鵜呑みにせずに、多くの不安や恐怖を煽る情報を反転させて赴くようになると、次第に見えるものが変わり始めました。人情に溢れ、自然豊かでとてもエネルギーに満ちた魅力的な地へ。栗林は福島の原子力発電、人間が持つネガティブなエネルギーをアートというものを通して反転し、ポジティブなものにできないか、と考えるようになりました。こうして「元気炉」は生まれました。全てのものは、エネルギーです。見えるものから見えないものまで、我々に起こる問題やテーマは全てエネルギーという物に集約され、なかでも一番ものすごい威力を持つのは我々生き物が放つ、ポジティブなエネルギーなのです。人間の持つプラスのエネルギー、幸せや喜びを放つ時のエネルギーがいかに強く、パワフルであるかを知ることができる作品、それが栗林の「元気炉」です。

Takashi Kuribayashi's interactive installation is derived from the Great East Japan earthquake in 2011. After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Kuribayashi has traveled to Fukushima. At first, he felt a sense of responsibility -that he had to go to Fukushima. But by pushing aside the negative images, he inverted the information which stir up people’s anxiety and fear, and his view changed. People have humanity, the land has nature and energy. Kuribayashi began to consider changing the negative energy of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima by inverting it into something positive. This is how the Genki-ro sauna was born. Everything has an energy. Everything that happens to us, both visible and invisible, are consolidated in energy, and the most powerful energy comes from living things. Kuribayashi's Genki-ro sauna allows you to know the positive energy that people have. It enables you to feel the powerful energy of people’s happiness and joy.




From terrace seats, you can enjoy Takashi Kuribayashi's Genki-ro sauna, as well as the seasonal herbs, flowers, and trees colored by "The Landscapers" of Kamakurayama. The garden is filled with hydrangeas that symbolize Sakanoshita, which is a Kamakura-like scenery. Enoden, Enoshima electric railway, passes every 12 minutes. This is also a scenery which makes this place unique. You can feel the flow of time, drifting away.



1階から3階の空間はもちろん、緑溢れる庭園もまた撮影スペースとしてお使いいただけます。 歴史と温もりが感じられるインテリアは背景に華やかさを加えます。 お式と合わせてのウェディングPHOTOや七五三、成人式などハレの日の撮影にも最適です。

In addition to the spaces on the first to third floors, the garden can be used as a film shooting location. This historical and warmth atmosphere provides a gorgeous backdrop. It is also ideal for photography shooting such as wedding, Shichigosan ceremony and adult day ceremony after praying which is near by our place.